
Wednesday, November 9, 2011



What is love as defined by you
How can you know or proclaim it to be true
The answer it seems depends on the clue
Of what conscious level of awareness fits you

We are all so quick to express such a word
Without truly knowing all that its worth
We may all love our car, food or material things
Not knowing in the expression of the selfishness that brings

Give and take and compromise it is often said
Is the foundation of success drilled into our head
When we speak of relationships that are built to last
Yet selfish is this notion and the ignorance must now pass

Do explain I'm sure is what you might be saying
Unselfish is the meaning of that which I'm portraying
Give unto another without expecting return
Anything at all for that is when you learn

Grasp the realization that Love is not a thing
But rather an expression of the altruism we can bring
The sun does not shine and expect you to be there
It shines without judgement on who might benefit and where

This is the meaning of how true love should be
Given without judgement on what you do for me
Free and unselfish and pure expressive form
This very definition passes not as the norm

We all expect something for that which we give
And that is the wisdom lost amongst we who live
In a selfish world were old number one
Is all that is important underneath said shining sun

Breakthrough this ignorance is what I truly hope
By presenting this perspective we can choose to take the rope
Lasso your inner wisdom and there you'll plainly see
Unselfishly loving is the ONLY way to be!

Yes it may hurt when the selfish do declare
They deserve more than you or I can share
Still we must transcend our own egos pain
Knowing deep within that growth we can proclaim

For to give of your love without wanting a thing
Does bring a peace and solace to a life that truly sings
Letting go of selfish and ego driven lies
We then ascend the ladder of our own angel eyes..

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