
Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Many years ago in South Africa, a man sold his farm so that he might spend his days in search of diamonds. He was consumed with dreams of becoming wealthy. When he had finally exhausted his resources and his health and was no closer to his fortune than the day he sold his farm, he threw himself into a river and drowned.

One day, the man who had bought his farm spotted an unusual-looking stone in a creek bed. He placed it on his fireplace mantle as a conversation piece. A visitor noticed the stone and examined it closely. He then voiced his suspicion that the stone was actually a diamond. The discreet farmer had the stone analyzed, and sure enough, it was one of the largest and finest diamonds ever found.

Still operating with great secrecy, the farmer searched his stream, gathering similar stones. They were all diamonds. In fact, his farm was covered with diamonds just waiting to be picked up. The farm the diamond-seeker had sold turned out to be one of the richest diamond deposits in the world.

The lessons of wisdom can often to be learned in the relationships and experiences we encounter every day. Ask God to reveal to you what you need to know in order to live the life He desires. The resources you need are probably right in front of you. Proverbs 23:19

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